Beatrix's Cosplay Mania








Team Rocket

Who: Team Rocket member from Pokemon.

What: Generic black Team Rocket outfit.

When: Oct 2000

Where: I made this for a halloween party, though that was just a conveient excuse to make a costume of some kind. This is my first real cosplay outfit :)

Why: I love Team Rocket, I think they are the best part of Pokemon, so I wanted to dress as one of them. I didn't want to be Jessie (like everyone else) so I made the black outfit that a lot of their members wear.

How: Well, although technically it's suposed to be a dress, I used a skirt and t-shirt for mine. I used spray on sticky stuff to stick the R on, and sewed ribbon onto the skirt for the red and white stripes. I didn't have any long boots, so I used long socks, and I purchased the gloves too (this was a real non-sewing costume :) Pikachu provided by my housemate.